
Leverage marketplaces to grow your brand

  • Incremental customers
  • Control price/inventory
  • Sell entire assortment
  • Increase brand awareness/SEO
  • Improve unit economics
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Focus channels

Turn agency fees into COGS

Zero fixed costs


Opportunity assessment

It's important to decide if your brand and its products are the right fit for curated marketplaces. We help assess your assortment to see which products, if any, are appropriate.


Application to curated marketplaces

If your brand is a strong fit for the marketplace, we help submit your application for consideration. There's never a guarantee your brand will be accepted, which is why it is vital to put your strongest foot forward.


On-going management

After approval, the real work begins. We take care of the heavy lifting by publishing and optimizing your product listings in each unique selling channel to maximize your selling success.

Why expand to new marketplaces?

Amazon Downsides

Limited profitable growth potential on Amazon

  • Amazon is ultra-competitive
  • Amazon is increasingly pay-to-play, compressing margin
  • Increasing FBA fees over time
  • Consolidated channel risk and reliance
  • Not all customers shop on Amazon
  • Hard to protect brand/price

New Customers

List where your customer shops

Not everybody shops on Amazon and it is both challenging and expensive to acquire every new customer through your own website.

Your customers should be able to shop your brand at their retailer of choice. Leverage retailers' loyalty programs to acquire new customers and increase conversion. The less you have to fight to acquire customers, the lower your CAC.

Direct Fulfillment

Sell and ship direct to your customer

Securing shelf-space for your brand is ultra competitive in both mass-market and specialty retailers nationwide. Selling through 3P marketplaces bypasses the challenges that come with selling wholesale.

  • Control assortment and pricing
  • Mitigate risk of stockouts
  • Decrease need for costly retail compliance
  • Leverage existing competencies and infrastructure

Managed services

Retailer relationship management

Submission for approval into curated marketplaces and handing subsequent requests from retail teams, including participation in special merchandizing and promotional events

Assortment strategy

List the best product assortment per marketplace to maximize channel success

Retail compliance

Adherence to retailer-specific policies and product certification advisory

Copywriting and creative

Creation of new enhanced media and product descriptions/features, catering to each selling channel

Competitor analysis

Category monitoring to ensure products are listed above competition

Retail media

PPC and sponsored product campaign management

Product listing optimization

On-going optimization of product listings, features, specifications, and descriptions tailored to every marketplace channel


Optimized copywriting to maximize prominence search engine results pages on retail marketplaces

Logistics and fulfillment

Integration with 3PL, 4PL, and owned direct fulfillment solutions to sync inventory and ensure on-time shipment in compliance with channel SLAs


Regular reporting to track progress toward KPIs and monitor channel-level unit economics

Price and promotion

Pricing strategy across selling channels and management of specific marketplace promotional events

Vendor management

Integrating systems across product, order, fulfillment, and reporting, working with all vendor teams to ensure seamless functionality

Error remediation

Product listing and compliance updates for every selling channel to maximize product uptime

New product GTM

Go-to-market launch support of new product and category extensions per selling channel

Inventory planning

Order management and inventory coverage planning

Free consultation

We'll learn more about your brand's goals and identify opportunities that will help achieve your growth objectives.